Tally Audit



 It provides the capability to the administrator to track condition which are two types mainly-
    1.     Change in transaction
    2.     Change in voucher

Working steps on tally audit:

This topic “tally audit” is related to the topic “security control”. Therefore, do all the vouchers in this topic as well as done in security control. After that, follow these steps:

Shut the company and select company by “Mohan” (accountant and his password is “m”).

After opening the company by Mohan, do ledger creation and voucher entry-
Path for ledger creation:- G.O.T. (gateway of tally)--> account info--> ledger--> create (multiple)

Now we will do voucher entry as follow—

Path for voucher creation:- G.O.T. (gateway of tally)--> accounting voucher--> press F5 (payment voucher).

Now shut the company.
Select company and open by administrator “ram” and his password is “r”.

Path for tally audit:G.O.T. (gateway of tally)--> display--> statement of account--> tally audit.

From “display” option select “statement of account” :

And then select “tally audit” option from “statement of account” option:

After entering in tally audit, press F12 for Configuration.

After setting configuration, this box will open as follow:-

If you want to change the voucher entry, then follow the given path:-

Path for change in voucher entry:- G.O.T. (gateway of tally)--> display--> day book--> change amount.
