
   These vouchers are used to maintain all those transactions which do not effect on “profit & loss report” and “balance report”. 

 Profit & loss report-this a type of simple report in which we can see our all incomes and expenses as we do transactions. 

 Path to open profit & loss report- G.O.T. --> profit & loss report 

   for see details of this report press “alt + F1. 


  Balance sheet- in this sheet we can our all liabilities and assets. 

  Path to open balance sheet- G.O.T. --> balance sheet 

 For see detail of this sheet press “alt + F1.

 Types of non-accounting voucher-  There are six types of accounting vouchers- 

 1.  Memorandum voucher-in this voucher we maintain payment transactions. It is just like payment voucher. Shortcut key of this voucher is “ctrl +F10”. 

  Example- i.                   Telephone bill paid of 2000. Solution- a.     First we create ledger of “telephone bill”.

  Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) --> ledgers --> single
 ledger creation.  


Note- to activate non-accounting vouchers we follow the following steps- we open “accounting feature” of that company by following path-

 ‘G.O.T. --> F11 --> F1’ And do some changes as follows- 


  b.     Open memorandum voucher by following path and done entry.

Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) -->  accounting vouchers--> ctrl + F10. 


  2.  Reversing journal voucherit is just like journal voucher. All transactions related with assets sales & purchase and adjustment entries, any suspense entries mention in reversing journal voucher. Shortcut key of this voucher is “F10”.

 i.                   Machinery  purchase of 10,000.


 a.     First we create ledger of “machinery”.

 Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) --> ledgers --> single ledger creation. 


 b.     Open reversing journal voucher by following path and done entry.

 Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) -->  accounting vouchers--> F10.


 3.  Optional voucherthis voucher is just like sales voucher, purchase voucher and receipt voucher. Shortcut key of this voucher is “ctrl + L”. This voucher is not a usually voucher, we make open vouchers and make it optional voucher by pressing “ctrl + L”.


 i.                   Goods purchase of 15,000.
 ii.                 Goods sold of 25,000.
 iii.               Rent receipt of 7,000.

 a.     First we create ledgers of sales, purchase and rent received.

Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) --> ledgers --> single ledger creation. 


  b.     Open vouchers and done entries by following-

  i.       Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) -->  accounting vouchers--> F9 --> ctrl + L. 


 ii.       Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) -->  accounting vouchers--> F8 --> ctrl + L.  

  iii.       Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) -->  accounting vouchers--> F8 --> ctrl + L. 


  4.  Post dated voucher-when we received advance cheque from any party or gives advance cheque to any party then we use post dated voucher for this. Shortcut key of this voucher is “ctrl T”.

 i.                   Advance PNB cheque given to the Mohan.


 a.     First we create ledgers of PNB cheque and Mohan.

  Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) --> ledgers --> single ledger creation. 


b.     Open vouchers and done entries by following-

Path- G.O.T. (gateway of tally) --> a/c info (account info) -->  accounting vouchers--> F5 --> ctrl + T.
